what song goes well the devil went down to georgia

What does the devil look like? 8 historical images of Satan

From a fallen affections to a bearded, cherry-hued human being with horns, images of Satan have seen the Prince of Darkness' advent reinvented many times. The satanic figure of today is the result of centuries of art, literature and theatre, all sculpting a personification of evil.

To find out what the devil actually looks similar, All About History (opens in new tab) mag spoke with Marina Montesano, professor of Medieval History at the University of Messina in Italian republic, and Jan Machielsen, senior lecturer in Early Modern History at Cardiff Academy in the Britain. Both of these scholars are experts in the history of Satan and the occult.

Here are eight ways that people take pictured Satan through history.

Related: Where did Satan come from?

1. Ancient Hebrew: The ophidian

Adam, Eve and the serpent depicted on a stained glass window

A stained glass window in Saint-Pierre-le-Jeune Protestant Church, Strasbourg, France, depicting Adam and Eve existence tempted by the snake to eat the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. (Image credit: Godong / Contributor via Getty Images)

In the Old Attestation's Book of Genesis, the serpent who tempted Adam and Eve  with the forbidden fruit in Eden, is commonly associated with Satan. In the original Hebrew text, though, no such name is given to the animate being who convinces them to eat the fruit from the Tree of Cognition of Skilful and Evil. According to Marina Montesano, the only references to "Satàn" in the Hebrew Bible hateful "adversary," "obstacle" or "enemy" and can refer either to human antagonists or supernatural entities. It is but later, in the New Testament, that Satan is referred to explicitly as a serpent. Despite this, serpents and snakes remain commonly associated with the devil.

2. Early on medieval: The fallen angel

This 6th century mosaic depicts the parable of the Kingdom of God and the Last Judgement. The mosaic can be found at the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna, Italy.

This fifth-6th century mosaic depicts the parable of the Kingdom of God and the Last Sentence.The bluish angel on the right is believed to be the earliest known depiction of Satan. The mosaic can be found at the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo in Ravenna, Italy. (Image credit: DeAgostini/Getty Images)

In the Bible, the Book of Isaiah xiv:12 reads: "How art 1000 fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morn! How art thou cut downwards to the ground, which didst weaken the nations." This is a direct reference to God casting out Satan from heaven. "Friction match, the 'forenoon star' is the expression with which Isaiah defines a futurity king of Babylon," Montesano said. "The fathers of the early medieval church, however, elaborated the figure of Friction match far beyond the biblical text, making him the rebel angel and transforming him into the prototype of pride as the majuscule sin."

The earliest known suggested depiction of Satan is in a 6th-century mosaic, in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, Italia. The paradigm "shows the devil as an ethereal blueish angel, [merely this was] ultimately shed in favor of a more demonic appearance with animalistic traits," Montesano said.

3. Tardily medieval: Satan as the beast

This illustrated manuscript, created in the first half of the 14th century, is known as "The Smithfield Decretals" or The Decretals of Gregory IX. This page shows an illustration of the devil with talons, wings and a tail, being cast out by angels.

This illustrated manuscript, created in the first half of the 14th century, is known as "The Smithfield Decretals" or The Decretals of Gregory 9. This folio shows an illustration of the devil with talons, wings and a tail, being cast out by angels. (Paradigm credit: The British Library/Royal x E. IV, f.223)

Depictions of the devil during the Medieval period were unremarkably dragon-similar, Montesano said. For example, an early on pope known as Saint Sylvester reportedly slayed a devilish dragon, impressing a group of pagan priests and confirming the Christian faith of the Roman emperor Constantine, every bit Hans A. Pohlsander, a professor of classics, explained in "The Emperor Constantine (opens in new tab)" (Routledge, 2004).

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However, while mythical creatures were often associated with the devil during the medieval period, so too were real animals. According to the British Library (opens in new tab), many medieval portrayals of the devil accept animalistic features, including the iconic cloven hooves, tails, talons and even webbed hands.

Illustrations from a 14th-century French manuscript called the Smithfield Decretals (opens in new tab) show the devil with animal trunk parts, and depict him as a humongous beast. "We find [depictions of] foxes, bears, lions and many others having connotations that can signify those attributed to the devil," Montesano said.

4. Dante'south Inferno: The winged devil

A featherless, winged beast, as described by Dante Alighieri in his "Divine Comedy". Such depictions of Satan may go back to Babylonian myths.

A featherless, winged fauna, equally described past Dante Alighieri in his "Divine Comedy". Such depictions of Satan may go back to Babylonian myths. (Image credit: Heritage Images / Correspondent via Getty Images)

The 14th-century verse form "Inferno," written by Dante Alighieri every bit office of his "Divine Comedy (opens in new tab)", recounts a fictional journey through the seven circles that make up hell before the protagonist comes confront to face with Satan himself. Dante describes Satan with "two mighty wings, such as befitting were so great a bird; sails of the sea I never saw so large. No feathers had they, just as of a bat." (Canto 34: 49-51 (opens in new tab)).

According to Montesano, Satan's wings may originate in Babylonian mythology, due to the devil'due south clan with the effigy of Lilith. "Lilith comes from the ancient Babylonian Lilitu demons: Winged females who flew through the nighttime, seducing men and attacking pregnant women and infants," she said.

Dante also introduces elements from Greco-Roman mythology into his traditional Christian lore. He refers to the devil every bit "Dis" and to a "City of Dis", which comes from Dis Pater, the Roman god of the underworld according to "The Dante Encyclopedia (opens in new tab)" (Routledge, 2000) past Richard Lansing, professor of Italian studies and comparative literature at Brandeis University. In "Inferno" Dante writes: "Hence in the smallest circumvolve, where the point is Of the Universe, upon which Dis is seated, Whoe'er betrays for ever is consumed." (Canto 11:64-65 (opens in new tab)).

5. Satan with horns

A 1608 woodcut from Francesco Maria Guazzo's Compendium Maleficarum showing Satan as a flying goat, carrying a witch to the Sabbath.

A 1608 woodcut from Francesco Maria Guazzo'south Compendium Maleficarum showing Satan equally a flight goat, carrying a witch to the Sabbath. (Image credit: UniversalImagesGroup / Contributor via Getty Images)

A clear early link betwixt Satan and goats is found in the Basilica of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo mosaic, constructed in the tardily 6th century in Italian republic. In the mosaic, the bluish affections to Jesus' left stands backside three goats, while the angel to Jesus' right is joined by three sheep.

The artwork represents a parable in  Matthew 25:31-46: "When the Son of Man comes in his glory, and all the angels with him, he will sit on his glorious throne. All the nations will exist gathered before him, and he will split up the people one from some other as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats." In the story, the caprine animal is associated with those not entering heaven. Some art historians, like Alastair Sooke of the BBC (opens in new tab), claim that this is where the devil and his minions got their horns.

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Other experts disagree. "The goat, which until the Middle Ages was barely linked to demonology, assumed a new role [around this time]." Montesano said. "According to some scholars, this new role comes mainly from its association with Nordic myths. Others say it might derive from the infidel god Pan, while British historian Ronald Hutton thinks it has more to do with neo-pagan revival of modern — non Medieval — times."

In his book, "The Devil: Perceptions of Evil from Artifact to Primitive Christianity (opens in new tab)" (Cornell University Printing, 1987), Jeffrey Burton Russell claims the link between Satan and the goat derives from the devil'south association with underworld fertility deities, who Christians rejected equally demons. Along with other pagan gods, these horned idols were particularly feared "because of their clan with the wilderness and with sexual frenzy."

half dozen. Paradise Lost: The devil as an Adonis

In this 1808 illustration by William Blake, entitled "Satan Arousing the Rebel Angels," Satan is depicted in human form, similar to the classical depictions of Greek gods.

In this 1808 analogy by William Blake, entitled "Satan Arousing the Rebel Angels," Satan is depicted in human form, similar to the classical depictions of Greek gods. (Image credit: Art Media/Print Collector/Getty Images)

Many modern audiences are used to seeing Satan as a chiseled, handsome man, such as in the 2016 Netflix serial "Lucifer". This incarnation of the devil first appeared in the 17th century. In 1667, John Milton published his epic poem "Paradise Lost (opens in new tab)," which tells the story of Satan'south expulsion from sky and his temptation of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. According to Nancy Rosenfield'due south book "The Homo Satan in Seventeenth-Century Literature (opens in new tab)" (Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., 2013), Milton shows Satan equally "a heroic military leader," who is "the near bonny of the satanic characters of 17th century literature."

In the 18th and early 19th century, in that location was a revival of interest in "Paradise Lost." Artist William Blake constitute Milton's character of Satan so compelling that he produced several illustrations (opens in new tab) to back-trail a version of "Paradise Lost" in which a nude Satan is shown as a handsome, god-similar effigy, with entirely human features.

7. A devil dressed in ruby-red

The devil running from a suffragette

The devil runs away in fear from a suffragette carrying a "Votes For Women" flyer in this British anti-suffrage postcard from 1900. (Epitome credit: Ken Florey Suffrage Collection/Gado / Correspondent via Getty Images)

During the 19th and early on 20th century the image of the devil was used in advertisements and satirical cartoons. In one 1900 cartoon, he is existence chased away past a women's suffrage apostle. Along with his horns, he is as well entirely red, with a pointed beard, and carrying a pitchfork.

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The devil'southward cherry tights actually originate in theatre productions. In 1859, composer Charles Gounod adopted the folktale "Faust," which had also inspired Marlowe's earlier play, "Dr. Faustus," into an opera, in which the devilish character of Mephistopheles wears a Renaissance-era costume, including carmine tights, also known every bit hose.

In his book "A History of Opera: Milestones and Metamorphoses (opens in new tab)" (Opera Journeys Publishing, 2003), Burton Fisher wrote: "Marcel Journet sang Faust'due south Mephistopheles over a thousand times, providing the stereotyped image of opera characters as devils in reddish tights." Different interpretations of this theatrical habiliment have endured and remain popular Halloween costumes today.

8. The 20th century devil

Damien from "The Omen", 1976

Immature thespian Harvey Stephens as Damien Hawthorne from the 1976 film "The Omen" is a fascinating twist on Satan in entertainment, depicting him every bit a child rather than as an adult or beast. (Image credit: Stanley Bielecki Movie Collection / Contributor via Getty Images)

During the 20th century, the devil connected to exist re-invented by writers and filmmakers, placing him in the guise of mysterious strangers, smart businessmen and even children, every bit in the 1976 horror picture "The Omen".

In Mikhail Bulgakov's novel "The Master and Margarita (opens in new tab)" (beginning published in Moskva magazine, 1966), the devil appears equally a smart but secretive stranger, who is accompanied by a talking cat. Similarly, in the 1987 picture "Affections Heart" Robert de Niro plays Louis Cyphre (Lucifer), a well-dressed but cryptic man of affairs.

In 1936, the American writer Stephen Vincent Benet wrote "The Devil and Daniel Webster (opens in new tab)" in which the graphic symbol Mr. Scratch (Satan) fights for his right to a human's soul in a court of law. In a similar vein, the 1997 film "Devil's Advocate" sees Al Pacino play Lucifer as the head of a shady New York City law firm.

But even these modernistic depictions of Lucifer as a lawyer take their origins in the Eye Ages. In an commodity from the periodical la Revue de l'histoire des religions, (opens in new tab) Karl Shoemaker, a historian at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, described a medieval court drama in which "the devil and his hellish council selected a demon learned in the law and sent him to the court of heaven in order to sue for a legal title to the human race."

This article was adapted from a previous version published in All About History magazine, a Futurity Ltd. publication. To learn more about some of history's most incredible stories, subscribe to All About History (opens in new tab) mag.

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Source: https://www.livescience.com/what-does-the-devil-look-like.html

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